Saturday, 4 May 2013

Experiment Two.


The two clients I was given to derive concepts from their work were:

                    Luis Barragan

Related concepts:

- colouration to emphasise form
- sciagraphy
- matte materiality
- vertical dominance of form
- light manipulation

                   Farshid Moussavi

Related concepts:

- reflective materiality
- diacritical form
- epinastic shapes
- curvilineal form to stress freedom of arrangement
- angularity of form to achieve distinctiveness

I then refined the concepts I derived from each architect down to two, one for each. Subsequently, I developed an 'Electroliquid Aggregation' which is relative to them both. An electroliquid aggregation is explained by this dense quotation:

“Why still speak of the real and the virtual, the material and immaterial? Here these categories are not in opposition, or in some metaphysical disagreement, but more in an electroliquid aggregation, enforcing each other, as in a two part adhesive.”

Lars Spuybroek, [1998] Motor Geometry, Architectural Design, Vol 68 No 5/6, p5

And what I came up with, was a moulded and new concepts formed by the two precedently refined concepts. This is the new concept I came up with:

The sciagraphic nature of epinastic shapes.

Then I developed 18 axonometrics which are of 9 monuments (2 axonometric for each monument). These monumentalise the architectural concepts that I drew from the two architects: sciagraphy and epinastic shapes.

From the 18 axonometrics, I created 3 combinations, each made up of 2 monuments.

I then drew textures to apply to these monuments. These range from light to dark.

Then I developed an environment in CryENGINE3 which reflects my electroliquid aggregation. It consists of various terrain with the addition of two monument, both of which are compiled of two monuments; the axonometric combinations.

 This is an image of the first monument, it has various shapes extruded in the middle to cast shadows on the surrounding walls. It also showcases the textures applied to the monument.
 This image is of the second monument at nighttime, highlighting how it sits in the landscape and how it too casts shadows on it surroundings, relative to the sciagraphy concept. It also shows the use of light.

 This image highlights the first monument and how it is placed amongst the environment; it has its own separate island which consists of trees which compliment the sciagraphic nature of it.


CryENGINE3 environment -

Monument One -

Monument Two -